Find extraordinary stock video clips for your next project that are all HD, 1080p and completely free! Download some of our business clips to use as b-roll in your next client project, find a great animation to drop into a music video or improve your website with some captivating drone footage as a background video. Discover beautiful, royalty-free art that are…
Tag: art
8 Must-Watch Documentaries for Artists & Designers
8 Must-Watch Documentaries for Artists & Designers
4 | What Font Is Your Beard? Use This Chart To Find Out | Co.Design: business innovation design
4 | What Font Is Your Beard? Use This Chart To Find Out | Co.Design: business innovation design How sans serif is your beard? Are your chin whiskers more of a Bodoni, a Times, or a Comic Sans? Exactly what typographical allegiances does your facial ‘fro owe? And what is your favorite font’s beard brother?…
Sponsored Heroes on Behance
Sponsored Heroes on Behance Imagine if one day capitalism reaches the point, where the big brands starts to sponsor the superheroes. How would this influence their images? Based on this hypothesis, I decided to experiment with some characters, and see what would be the results of such idea.
Art vs. Design: Are They the Same Thing? | Design Shack
Art vs. Design: Are They the Same Thing? | Design Shack Every project is created by design. It is thought out, analyzed and finally, designed and executed. But is every design project also a work of art? How similar (or different) are the processes and results? You may find that every designer or artist has…
10 Alphabet Prints by Artists Around the World | Apartment Therapy
10 Alphabet Prints by Artists Around the World | Apartment Therapy Aakkoset_vesiväri by RK Design (€ 20) Every few months I like to see what’s new or new-to-me in the world of alphabet artwork and share it with you. These ten were created by artists around the world including Finland, Germany, Italy, France, Argentina and, right…