302 Found

302 Found Without doubt, I get asked about design systems more than anything else. So, having spent the majority of the past few years thinking about how to design, build and present design systems for products like Marvel, Bantamand Modulz, I figured I’d share some of what I’ve learned along the way. What is a…

Working With Brand and Design Guidelines | Webdesigntuts

Working With Brand and Design Guidelines | Webdesigntuts Sometimes, particularly when you work with established brands and companies, you may encounter a set of brand or design guidelines. As a developer who might be working on a website without much design help, this can be something that you can really use to your advantage, guiding…

The Collective Legal Guide For Designers (Contract Samples) | Smashing Magazine

The Collective Legal Guide For Designers (Contract Samples) | Smashing Magazine Rule number one for designers of all kinds: use a contract. Sometimes, this is easier said than done. Should I use a service agreement? A retainer? A licensing contract? With the help ofDocracy, we collected the experience of many designers to provide a wide…