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How to Choose the Right UX Metrics for Your Product

Nice visual explanation about Google’s HEART Framework. Created by Telepathy in collaboration with Google Ventures. Based on the article by Kerry Rodden. Read Full Article…

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Product Framework

Find The Best Product Development Frameworks. A collection of resources and best practices from leading companies and experts to help you build products.

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20 Web Design Industry Terms for the Clueless Client

20 Web Design Industry Terms for the Clueless Client

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Designing With Your Clients – Smashing Magazine

Designing With Your Clients – Smashing Magazine Why do clients interfere in the design process? Why do they not trust your judgment? Much of the time, it is because they are afraid of the unknown. They are not experts in design or the web. They feel out of their depth in the process, and so […]

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How Much Should I Charge? – nuSchool

How Much Should I Charge? – nuSchool A potential client wants a proposal for a design project? Awesome. Answer 5 questions, and know how much to charge to make this project profitable. Just a reminder though – when people use their own money for a project they might not have much to spend.

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Invoice Ninja – Open Source Intuitive Invoicing Tool

Invoice Ninja – Open Source Intuitive Invoicing Tool Most online invoicing sites are expensive. They shouldn’t be. The aim of Invoice Ninja is to provide a free, open-source alternative for invoicing. Additionally, the hope is this codebase will serve as a sample site for Laravel as well as other JavaScript technologies. Invoicing with no monthly […]

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Basic Guide (Tips and Tools) To Charging Your Freelance Clients

Basic Guide (Tips and Tools) To Charging Your Freelance Clients What is the best part about being a freelancer and actually working? Getting paid of course. Money will not buy you happiness but they sure will bring a smile or at least some satisfaction. In this article we will be talking about financing for freelancers, how […]

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The Collective Legal Guide For Designers (Contract Samples) | Smashing Magazine

The Collective Legal Guide For Designers (Contract Samples) | Smashing Magazine Rule number one for designers of all kinds: use a contract. Sometimes, this is easier said than done. Should I use a service agreement? A retainer? A licensing contract? With the help ofDocracy, we collected the experience of many designers to provide a wide […]

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16 Best, Online Collaborative Design Apps for Creative Feedback and Client Sign-off

16 Best, Online Collaborative Design Apps for Creative Feedback and Client Sign-off With collaboration services being one of the most in demand in today’s web-specific market, there have emerged a considerable number of online tools that help to ease the process of creative work. The project collaboration app segment isn’t an exception here in any way. Freelance […]

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Waspadai 5 Tipe Klien Berikut! | Ruang Freelance

Waspadai 5 Tipe Klien Berikut! | Ruang Freelance Sebagai seorang freelancers, khususnya di bidang jasa, tentu akan sering berhubungan dengan klien. Tanpa adanya mereka, freelancers tidak dapat bekerja dan mempunyai penghasilan. Client is The King, setuju? Akan tetapi, yang namanya manusia setiap berhubungan dengan manusia lain pasti ada saja yang membuat kita pusing tak karuan karena permintaan klien. Memang untuk […]