5 Useful CSS Tricks for Responsive Design

5 Useful CSS Tricks for Responsive Design Making the design to be responsive is very easy as shown in my Responsive Design in 3 Stepstutorial, but maintaining the elements to look aesthetically balanced on all breakpoint layouts is an art. Today I’m going to share 5 of my commonly used CSS tricks along with sample cases…


MAKING ROOM TO BREATHE: WRAPPING TEXT AROUND ELEMENTS I constantly look through websites and wonder why designers allow text and images to get a little too close. Why don’t the elements have room to breathe? That’s where text- or word-wrapping comes in. Adding space above, below and to the sides of an object embedded in…

Free Zocial Button Set: Social CSS3 Buttons

Free Zocial Button Set: Social CSS3 Buttons The idea behind this project was to produce a consistent set of buttons that could be used for the range of social actions frequently taken in Web applications. These actions are often important goals for users, such as connecting third-party accounts or sharing content to third-party platforms, so…

Celana jeans Levi’s menggunakan lebih sedikit air dalam produksinya

Celana jeans Levi’s menggunakan lebih sedikit air dalam produksinya Proses produksi celana jeans biasanya membutuhkan air sebanyak 60 liter. Akan tetapi celana jeans merk Levi’s Water<Less hanya menggunakan 1.4 liter per celana. Dengan hal ini maka penggunaan air pun dapat di hemat dan tentunya semakin baik untuk lingkungan. Selain di tempat produksinya, Levi’s juga membuat…


ANNOTATION OVERLAY EFFECT WITH CSS3 A tutorial about how to create an overlay effect to show some more details of an item or image. The effect is CSS-only and uses a combination of the :checked pseudo-class with the sibling combinator.

Top 5 Task Management Programs for Small Businesses

Top 5 Task Management Programs for Small Businesses When it comes to running a small company effectively, task management is one of the keys to success. For many years, however, small business owners have had to deal with the added expense of hiring an IT expert to upgrade and maintain licensed software across their computer networks, which…


EXPERIMENTAL PAGE LAYOUT INSPIRED BY FLIPBOARD Today we want to share an experimental 3D layout with you. It’s inspired by the famous Flipboard app where a seamlessly “normal” page flips like a page in a book when swiped. We’ve tried to re-create that effect using CSS 3D transforms and JavaScript, making a layout that is “flippable” and…