UI Design: Simple Ways to Add Mobile Navigation Icons

UI Design: Simple Ways to Add Mobile Navigation Icons More people are surfing the Internet via mobile devices these days, thus a few things on websites need to be adjusted to fit in those smaller screen sizes. This also includes Web Navigation. The icon below, if you may, is the most popular icon to represent “mobile…

Cara Membuat Toko Online : Memilih Warna untuk Website Ecommerce Anda | Practical Help and Advice for Startups | StartupBisnis.com

Cara Membuat Toko Online : Memilih Warna untuk Website Ecommerce Anda | Practical Help and Advice for Startups | StartupBisnis.com Editor’s note : Artikel “memilih warna untuk website ecommerce Anda” adalah series of article“cara membuat toko online”  untuk mengedukasi ekosistem internet entrepreneur tentang ecommerce. Jika Anda membutuhkan platform ecommerce toko online yang baik, gunakanlah Bigcommerce. Platform Bigcommerce memudahkan Anda untuk…

Understanding the Z-Layout in Web Design | Webdesigntuts

Understanding the Z-Layout in Web Design | Webdesigntuts The premise of the Z-Layout is actually pretty simple: super-impose the letter Z on the page. Place the items that you want the reader to see first along the top of the Z. The eye will naturally follow the path of the Z, so the goal is…

Understanding the F-Layout in Web Design | Webdesigntuts

Understanding the F-Layout in Web Design | Webdesigntuts The F-Layout relies upon various eyetracking studies for it’s foundational concept. These scientific studies show that web surfers read the screen in an “F” pattern – seeing the top, upper left corner and left sides of the screen most… only occasionally taking glances towards the right side…


GoodUI A Good User Interface has high conversion rates and is easy to use. In other words, it’s nice to both the business side as well as the people using it. Here is a running list of practical ideas to try out.

Showcase of Beautiful Flat UI Design

Showcase of Beautiful Flat UI Design Behold web and user interface designers, a new trend (or style) is taking the world of UI and website design by storm – flat design. It is a minimalistic approach and style to designing websites and UI where we take a step back, strip away all the 3D elements,…

A Great UI is Invisible | Codrops

A Great UI is Invisible | Codrops A user interface that is invisible and that provides seamless interaction possibilities will help the user focus on their goals and direct them to what they need. A really well designed user interface is one that goes unnoticed by the user, whereas a poorly designed user interface forces…

Branded Interactions | Matthew Moore Design

Branded Interactions | Matthew Moore Design One or two key functions. Well designed apps master their core interactions. The best are unique and become associated with the brand itself. You could even call thembranded interactions.

Why User Experience Cannot Be Designed | Smashing UX Design

Why User Experience Cannot Be Designed | Smashing UX Design A lot of designers seem to be talking about user experience (UX) these days. We’re supposed to delight our users, even provide them with magic, so that they love our websites, apps and start-ups. User experience is a very blurry concept. Consequently, many people use the term incorrectly. Furthermore, many…

Creative Layouts and Interactions in Web Design | Codrops

Creative Layouts and Interactions in Web Design | Codrops Creative design that differ from the usual layouts can be quite difficult to imagine and execute but when done well, they can make some of the most interesting and engaging websites. You see them almost every day – websites that make you say “I wish I…