Why User Experience Cannot Be Designed | Smashing UX Design

Why User Experience Cannot Be Designed | Smashing UX Design A lot of designers seem to be talking about user experience (UX) these days. We’re supposed to delight our users, even provide them with magic, so that they love our websites, apps and start-ups. User experience is a very blurry concept. Consequently, many people use the term incorrectly. Furthermore, many…

Interface Trends for Designing a Social Network at DzineBlog.com – Design Blog & Inspiration

Interface Trends for Designing a Social Network at DzineBlog.com – Design Blog & Inspiration Since the initial launch of Friendster in 2002 we have seen dozens of new social networks cropping up everywhere. There are the obvious popular choices such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. But we don’t often consider some of the newer…

Mobile Considerations in User Experience Design: “Web or Native?”

Mobile Considerations in User Experience Design: “Web or Native?” Our brand new Smashing Books #3 and #3⅓ have been released last month and we’re sincerely grateful for the tremendous feedback, reviews and photos submitted by our truly smashing readers across the world. We appreciate your time and your interest, and thank you for your support and love….