Animated Books with CSS 3D Transforms | Codrops A creative way to show interactive books using CSS 3D Transforms. VIEW DEMO DOWNLOAD SOURCE In this playground we’ll show you some creative, animated books with CSS 3D transforms and transitions.We’ll show you two types of book designs: hardcover and paperback. Both were made to be easily modifiable…
Tag: css
50 Useful CSS Snippets Every Designer Should Have
50 Useful CSS Snippets Every Designer Should Have With so many new trends advancing every year it can be difficult keeping up with the industry. Website designers and frontend developers have been deeply ingrained into the newer CSS3 properties, determining the ultimate browser support and quirky hacks. But there are also brilliant CSS2 code snippets which have been unrequited in…
Free Web Font Services – Compared
Free Web Font Services – Compared All these years, websites are restricted to typical fonts such as Arial, Georgia, Times and so on. This is due to the limitations of browsers, which at one time, were only able to deliver fonts from the user’s machine. Fortunately today, the web evolves fast and today’s browsers are…
A Collection of Page Transitions | Codrops
A Collection of Page Transitions | Codrops A showcase collection of various page transition effects using CSS animations. VIEW DEMO DOWNLOAD SOURCE Today we’d like to share a collection of creative page transitions with you. We’ve put together a couple of animations that could be applied to “pages” for creating interesting navigation effects when revealing a…
Tooltipster – The jQuery Tooltip Plugin
Tooltipster – The jQuery Tooltip Plugin Tooltipster is a powerful, flexible jQuery plugin enabling you to easily create semantic, modern tooltips enhanced with the power of CSS. Tooltipster allows you to use any HTML tag you can think of inside your tooltips. This means you can insert things like images and text formatting tags. The style of your…
Build a Responsive Pricing Table with Neat Hover States | Webdesigntuts
Build a Responsive Pricing Table with Neat Hover States | Webdesigntuts DownloadSOURCE FILES DemoVIEW IT ONLINE During this tutorial we’ll be creating a sleek pricing table with some striking hover effects. We’ll use Lea Verou’s Prefixfree script to keep our CSS clean, plus we’ll make the whole thing responsive, shifting the layout at a couple of breakpoints.
XSLT Element
XSLT Element The <xsl:template> element contains rules to apply when a specified node is matched. The match attribute is used to associate the template with an XML element. The match attribute can also be used to define a template for a whole branch of the XML document (i.e. match=“/” defines the whole document). Note: <xsl:template> is…
15 Cool jQuery Page Flip Plugins – splash magazine
15 Cool jQuery Page Flip Plugins – splash magazine jQuery page flip plugins are employed to provide a website page the sense and appearance of flipping through a book or magazine. A few years ago, these features where typically implemented using Flash. However, this practice has changed dramatically since jQuery and similar script languages have…
Advanced cross-browser flexbox – Dev.Opera
Advanced cross-browser flexbox – Dev.Opera Introduction The CSS Flexible box module level 3 — or Flexbox for short — brings with it a lot of power and some very exciting possibilities for web development, allowing us to put together complex site layouts easily and rapidly, and dispensing with some of the illogical hacks and kludges that we’ve…
Browserhacks Browserhacks is an extensive list of browser specific CSS and JavaScript hacks from all over the interwebs. Special thanks to Paul Irish’ comprehensive post and Nicolas Gallagher’s additions.