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The Bastard Child of UX: Microcopy Just like how the internet as we know has been evolving, user experience design has been changing as well. Nowadays, most UX designers that I meet are still stuck with the 2010s definition of UX. They define UX as the fonts and typography, the colors, the content and how is it displayed, and the flow […]

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Data, Data, Data: How Do You Design It? | Design Shack

Data, Data, Data: How Do You Design It? | Design Shack

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How to Design Killer Micro-Content | Design Shack

How to Design Killer Micro-Content | Design Shack

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Typographic Patterns In HTML Email Newsletter Design – Smashing Magazine

Typographic Patterns In HTML Email Newsletter Design – Smashing Magazine

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A simple template that takes advantage of the background-attachment CSS property to create a fixed background effect. CSS Fixed Background Effect | CodyHouse

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Video in Web Design | Webdesigntuts

Video in Web Design | Webdesigntuts Video itself has been around for a long time; in films, on the television and now readily available to play on our phones, tablets and other devices. Video on the web has also been around for a long time. We started out with heavy-weight flash files of videos and […]

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Tabulous.js A jQuery tabs module for todays web! Tabulous.js can be used with any contents you choose in the tabs and it couldn’t be more simpler to use.

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Responsive Full Width Grid | Codrops

Responsive Full Width Grid | Codrops A responsive grid layout for multiple items in a row that fill all the available width. VIEW DEMO DOWNLOAD SOURCE A layout for a full width flexible grid layout for images or other content. The items have a percentage width and some example media queries show how to adjust the […]

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Quick Tip: Use “x-default hreflang” for International Landing Pages | Webdesigntuts

Quick Tip: Use “x-default hreflang” for International Landing Pages | Webdesigntuts A lot of international businesses use a landing page on their websites which redirects visitors to local pages. This can either be done via a redirect to a language-specific page or by changing the language of the content. By directing their customers to local […]

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Windy: A Plugin for Swift Content Navigation | Codrops

Windy: A Plugin for Swift Content Navigation | Codrops VIEW DEMO DOWNLOAD SOURCE Windy is a jQuery plugin that allows a rapid navigation through a pile of items using some CSS 3D transforms and transitions. The effect of a continuous navigation flow reminds of a deck of cards or sheets flying away, hence the name. This […]