Stop Designing Pages And Start Designing Flows For designers, it’s easy to jump right into the design phase of a website before giving the user experience the consideration it deserves. Too often, we prematurely turn our focus to page design and information architecture, when we should focus on the user flows that need to be…
Category: Old Archives
GuideGuide: Free Plugin For Dealing With Grids In Photoshop
GuideGuide: Free Plugin For Dealing With Grids In Photoshop Take a moment and think about creating a multi-column grid in a Photoshop comp. Have your palms started to sweat? Yes, creating grids in Photoshop is a pain indeed.
Fullscreen Background Image Slideshow with CSS3
Fullscreen Background Image Slideshow with CSS3
How much does it cost to design a new logo?
How much does it cost to design a new logo?
Best free premium wordpress themes
Best free premium wordpress themes
60 Creative and Brilliant logo designs for your inspiration
60 Creative and Brilliant logo designs for your inspiration
How Often Do You Try New Things?
How Often Do You Try New Things? Menjelang tahun baru, gak ada salahnya mencoba hal baru.
35 Beautiful Brochure Designs
35 Beautiful Brochure Designs In this post we have compiled some amazing brochure designs for inspiration. Enjoy!!
With Rocking Letters into the New Year
With Rocking Letters into the New Year 2011 has been an exciting year for Codrops and we want to thank you for supporting us! We’ve learned a lot and it’s a privilege to us to be able to share our tutorials, experiments and thoughts with you. We hope that you have enjoyed our content and…
Aku dilahirkan dikota, di-bangsal rumah sakit tua. Rumahku sebaya umur kakek-ku, berdinding batu separuh bambu. Dan aku coba mengerti, walau aku sering memaki. Tingkah-tingkah kotaku yang panas, berbaur debu dan keringat di-badanku. Orang bilang kotaku kejam tak beda usia, tak beda warna. Bagai tangan hitam cengkeram, tubuh-tubuh tergolek disana. Dulu aku tak perduli, walau aku…