Five and a Half Habits of Highly Effective Designers | Smashing Magazine

Five and a Half Habits of Highly Effective Designers | Smashing Magazine We have theories about everything: why the sky is blue, why apples fall, why bees buzz (and do other unmentionable things), why my boss said a certain thing, why that girl in the restaurant looked at me, why didn’t that girl in the restaurant look…

5 Rules for Designing Like Apple by ZURB

5 Rules for Designing Like Apple by ZURB We bet there was a time when a lot of us refused to buy an Apple product. A time when we were steadfast in our commitment to PCs. Too expensive, some of us probably said. But slowly we started making the transition. It may have started with…

Understanding Creative Thinking | Webdesigntuts

Understanding Creative Thinking | Webdesigntuts In this article I’ll explain how we think during the process of being creative. This knowledge will help you understand creativity and will form a foundation in helping you understand why we have creative blocks and how we can combat them. Before we start, let’s glimpse back at the previous…