Designing a Better Contact Page | Webdesigntuts

Designing a Better Contact Page | Webdesigntuts A good contact page is essential for maintaining relationships with your visitors. Whether we’re talking eCommerce, magazines, personal websites, online services, users will usually seek out a contact page as their first means of communication with you. Oddly enough, many web designers neglect the humble contact page, even…

The Responsive Web Design War Strategy

The Responsive Web Design War Strategy It seems like everyone is hailing Responsive Web Design (RWD) as the savior for the mobile site development in 2013. That’s reasonable too, since RWD is currently the only sounding approach that deals with any device resolution universally and effectively. It tries to unite this chaotic browser-based universe littered by the…

9 | From Phones To Tablets: 26 Apple Designs That Never Came To Be | Co.Design: business innovation design

9 | From Phones To Tablets: 26 Apple Designs That Never Came To Be | Co.Design: business innovation design In 1982, Apple was in its sixth year of existence, and Steve Jobs, Apple’s cofounder and Chairman, was twenty-eight years old. Steve, intuitive and fanatical about great design, realized that the company was in crisis. With…