A Simple JavaScript Library for Themable FPS Meter | Web Resources | WebAppers

A Simple JavaScript Library for Themable FPS Meter | Web Resources | WebAppers FPSMeter is a simple JavaScript library for sexy, fast, and themable FPS meter. It can measure frames per second, number of milliseconds between frames, and number of milliseconds it takes to render one frame when using the .tickStart() method. FPSMeter supports multiple instances on…


Superhero.js Creating, testing and maintaining a large JavaScript code base is not easy — especially since great resources on how to do this are hard to find. This page is a collection of the best articles, videos and presentations we’ve found on the topic.


Browserhacks Browserhacks is an extensive list of browser specific CSS and JavaScript hacks from all over the interwebs. Special thanks to Paul Irish’ comprehensive post and Nicolas Gallagher’s additions.

Tools and Downloads – Make the Web Faster — Google Developers

Tools and Downloads – Make the Web Faster — Google Developers There are many variables that affect a site’s performance. The tools listed below can help you discover those variables and improve your site. We recommend that you experiment with these tools. Multiple simple changes can improve the experience for your users around the world…