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Methods for Equal Height Columns

Methods for Equal Height Columns

Old Archives

Easily Create Dynamic Grid Layout With FreeWall

Easily Create Dynamic Grid Layout With FreeWall If you are familiar with Windows 8 or Pinterest, you know of the dynamic grid layout. A dynamic grid is a layout where you can rearrange and reposition child elements as required or when you have your browser resized. A popular jQuery plugin used to create this layout is jQuery Masonry but […]

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Creating Content List Columns Using Entypo Font Icons | Design Shack

Creating Content List Columns Using Entypo Font Icons | Design Shack There’s a general trend towards smaller “column listings” in homepage layouts. Specifically, tech startups and landing pages use this effect for promoting features in their products. But it’s a neat little design layout style for any purpose, and using icons in your design will […]

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Responsive Full Width Grid | Codrops

Responsive Full Width Grid | Codrops A responsive grid layout for multiple items in a row that fill all the available width. VIEW DEMO DOWNLOAD SOURCE A layout for a full width flexible grid layout for images or other content. The items have a percentage width and some example media queries show how to adjust the […]

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A Gap Free, Multi Column Grid Layout Experience | Web Resources | WebAppers

A Gap Free, Multi Column Grid Layout Experience | Web Resources | WebAppers Nested is a jQuery plugin which allows you to create multi-column, dynamic grid layouts. Unlike other libraries and jQuery plugins similar to Nested, this is the first script out there that allows you a complete gap-free layout. It creates a matrix of all elements […]

Old Archives

Responsive Column Layouts

Responsive Column Layouts Typically, to create a column layout, you would need to add the first or last classes to reset the margin space and clear the float. Today I’m going to share a very simple CSS trick to create a responsive column layout using nth-of-type pseudo class. I use this trick to code the WordPress […]