Starting Your Business

Struggling to come up with the best idea? Our exhaustive guide runs through the idea generation process to help you tap into your inner Steve Jobs.

Invoice Ninja – Open Source Intuitive Invoicing Tool

Invoice Ninja – Open Source Intuitive Invoicing Tool Most online invoicing sites are expensive. They shouldn’t be. The aim of Invoice Ninja is to provide a free, open-source alternative for invoicing. Additionally, the hope is this codebase will serve as a sample site for Laravel as well as other JavaScript technologies. Invoicing with no monthly…

When we were getting started, being open source guys, it just seemed like the only way to build a company Automattic’s Awesome Remote Work Culture – Business Insider

Cari Tahu Ukuran Standar Banner Ads Bisnis Anda | Blog Bisnis & TIK

Cari Tahu Ukuran Standar Banner Ads Bisnis Anda | Blog Bisnis & TIK Anda sedang membuat banner untuk iklankan bisnis anda? Atau anda tengah menghitung ukuran spot banner yang akan disewakan di desain website anda? Nah penikmat Bistik. Ketika membuat banner, atau jika anda ingin menyediakan spot banner di website, maka anda harus mengikuti standar…

Five and a Half Habits of Highly Effective Designers | Smashing Magazine

Five and a Half Habits of Highly Effective Designers | Smashing Magazine We have theories about everything: why the sky is blue, why apples fall, why bees buzz (and do other unmentionable things), why my boss said a certain thing, why that girl in the restaurant looked at me, why didn’t that girl in the restaurant look…

Belajar Bisnis Online dari @Dwirianto Founder Mindtalk di Stage @Wrausahamandiri | Practical Help and Advice for Startups |

Belajar Bisnis Online dari @Dwirianto Founder Mindtalk di Stage @Wrausahamandiri | Practical Help and Advice for Startups | Editor’s note : Hari Minggu di bulan Januari 2013 saya sempat mampir ke acara talkshow Wirausaha Mandiri, salah satu pembicaranya adalah Danny Oei Wirianto, founder Mindtalk.comdan chairman di Merah Putih Incubator. Dalam presentasinya Danny berbagi banyak hal tentang bisnis…

Belajar Teknik Presentasi : Aturan 10/20/30 Dalam Presentasi ala Guy Kawasaki | Practical Help and Advice for Startups |

Belajar Teknik Presentasi : Aturan 10/20/30 Dalam Presentasi ala Guy Kawasaki | Practical Help and Advice for Startups | Editorial’s Note : Guy Kawasaki adalah seorang venture capitalist, penulis buku best – seller, dan evangelist Apple. Guy Kawasaki juga banyak menulis artikel mengenai social media seperti10 Cara Merilis dan Mempromosikan Produk di Social Media dan Social Media…

A List Apart: Articles: Designing Contracts for the XXI Century

A List Apart: Articles: Designing Contracts for the XXI Century A design contract is like a business card—it comes from the same desk, and bears the same creative mark. But it’s also the business card you hate handing out: a folder of legal gibberish with terrible formatting that reminds the client of everything that could…

The Difference Between Good And Bad Job Requirements | Smashing Magazine

The Difference Between Good And Bad Job Requirements | Smashing Magazine In Web design, as one of the seemingly few markets that is actually growing, job opening postings are common. They’re not all equally convincing, though. In fact, most of them are unpleasant, uninviting and sometimes bordering on hostile. Some, however, are great, and give…