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Designers Behind Facebook Timeline: 5 Keys To Creating A UI With Soul

Designers Behind Facebook Timeline: 5 Keys To Creating A UI With Soul Nick Felton and Joey Flynn say that when creating a page to tell someone’s life story, you have to throw out the UI rulebook and study how people recount memories.

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Web design predictions for 2012

Web design predictions for 2012 Everything changes. The Internet and web design are certainly no exceptions to the rule. As we move through the days and months ahead, it’s likely that in short time we’ll find ourselves talking about new design developments that haven’t rolled across our lips or screens yet.

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5 Lessons From The Best Interaction Designs Of 2011

5 Lessons From The Best Interaction Designs Of 2011 Frog’s Robert Fabricant breaks down the themes from the 2011 Interaction Design Awards.

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5 Former Design Trends That Aren’t Cool Anymore (So Stop Using Them)

5 Former Design Trends That Aren’t Cool Anymore (So Stop Using Them) If you’re like me, looking at your own design work from a few years ago can often result in some laughable or even cringe-worthy moments. Design styles have been steadily evolving and most of us can’t help but be affected by these changes. […]

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Bit Depth Explained In-Depth

Bit Depth Explained In-Depth Visit just about any photography forum and you’re bound to come across a debate over the respective merits of RAW and JPEG files. One of the reasons that some photographers favor the RAW format is because of the extra bit depth contained in the file. This lets you take photos of […]

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THE BIG DEAL ABOUT TEXT FORMATTING IN WEB DESIGN While you may be able to use many attention-grabbing elements to make your Web design more effective, your site’s text formatting should not be set aside. Plain text actually bests faces and sensual body parts when it comes to getting attention on the Web. The human psyche […]

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Examples of Fresh Effects in Web Design

Examples of Fresh Effects in Web Design Having some fresh and maybe even unexpected effects on a website, can juice up the experience for the user. Be it a whole new and experimental way of navigating through the website or just a tiny surprising hover effect – fresh effects can spice up your design and […]

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28 Functional Examples of Web Design Pagination

28 Functional Examples of Web Design Pagination When sitting down to construct a web layout there are certain elements you must pay attention to. Your header design, logo, and navigation links are just a few to consider. But many web designers don’t spend as much time on pagination effects. These links help your users to […]

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Adventures In The Third Dimension: CSS 3D Transforms

Adventures In The Third Dimension: CSS 3D Transforms Back in 2009, the WebKit development team proposed a new extension to CSS that would allow Web page elements to be displayed and transformed on a three-dimensional plane. This proposal was called3D Transforms, and it was soon implemented in Safari for Mac and iOS. About a year […]

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Thumbnail Proximity Effect with jQuery and CSS3

Thumbnail Proximity Effect with jQuery and CSS3 Today we want to show you how to create a neat thumbnail proximity effect with jQuery. The idea is to scale thumbnails when hovering over them and also scale their neighbouring thumbnails proportionally to their distance. We’ll also make a description appear.