25 Attractive Multicolor Logo Designs

25 Attractive Multicolor Logo Designs A multicolored logo can look attractive and appropriate with Selecting the right combination of colors. In this next post, we will be showcasing some attractive multicolor logo designs that we hope will inspire you and give you ideas for creating your own logo.

Wanted: Cuppow, A Plastic Lid That Turns Mason Jars Into Travel Mugs

Wanted: Cuppow, A Plastic Lid That Turns Mason Jars Into Travel Mugs One of the many ways design can make your life better is by adding value to stuff you’ve already got laying around the house. Case in point: the new Cuppow, a clever molded lid for turning an ordinary Ball canning jar into a travel…

5 Cliché Logo Design Trends to Avoid

5 Cliché Logo Design Trends to Avoid Logos are one of the trickiest areas in the graphic design world. It takes almost zero talent to make a logo, virtually anyone can do it. However, making a good logo requires a lot of insight, artistic skill and patience. Too often we see designers falling into the trap of…

Designing The Well-Tempered Web

Designing The Well-Tempered Web As technology evolves, so does the art and craft of Web design. New technology creates new challenges, which require new solutions. Often we’re working in uncharted territory, where the solutions demanded really are new. Other times, we’re faced with problems of a more universal nature, problems that have a history.