2011 as seen through art When a major world event occurs, human beings naturally gravitate together, express feelings, and share memories. And while news websites have a responsibility to present stories as a matter of fact, deviantART has the unique ability to showcase emotions and humanity through art. 2011 was full of emotional events the…
Category: Old Archives
Good Design Is Innovative : The possibilities for innovation are not, by any means, exhausted. Technological development is always offering new opportunities for innovative design. But innovative design always develops in tandem with innovative technology, and can never be an end in itself. Good Design Makes a Product Useful : A product is bought to…
Dieter Rams 10 Principles of “Good Design”
Dieter Rams 10 Principles of “Good Design” As the New Year begins, architects and designers everywhere search for the latest information in hopes to find inspiration to provide them with ample amounts of motivation. Unsure of my inspiration, I found myself reading Neither Restrospective, Nor Predictive: Dieter Rams & Design of Self on the Semantic Foundry WordPress. I was…
Responsive Design, Responsively Illustrated.
Responsive Design, Responsively Illustrated. HTML/CSS + media queries (no images, no JS*) this is a simple interactive experiment with responsive design techniques.
Hey Dummy: This Is What “Responsive Design” Means
Hey Dummy: This Is What “Responsive Design” Means The Internet isn’t just on your computer screen anymore. It’s also on your phone, your tablet, your laptop, and god knows what else in the next few years. So when you visit a modern webpage, its design should take our multiplatform world into account, and morph to…
Oh Hell No: 12 Iconic Logos Redrawn Using Comic Sans
Oh Hell No: 12 Iconic Logos Redrawn Using Comic Sans Comic Sans is fine for some things: talk balloons, babies, missives from bitchy NBA owners. But as the logo of a multi-billion-dollar international corporation? Just a guess here, but I’m thinking most of you would say, “God no.”
It Works For “You”: A User-Centric Guideline To Product Pages
It Works For “You”: A User-Centric Guideline To Product Pages Product pages for e-commerce websites are often rife with ambitions: recreate the brick-and-mortar shopping experience, provide users with every last drop of product information, build a brand persona, establish a seamless check-out process.
Designers Behind Facebook Timeline: 5 Keys To Creating A UI With Soul
Designers Behind Facebook Timeline: 5 Keys To Creating A UI With Soul Nick Felton and Joey Flynn say that when creating a page to tell someone’s life story, you have to throw out the UI rulebook and study how people recount memories.
Web design predictions for 2012
Web design predictions for 2012 Everything changes. The Internet and web design are certainly no exceptions to the rule. As we move through the days and months ahead, it’s likely that in short time we’ll find ourselves talking about new design developments that haven’t rolled across our lips or screens yet.
5 Lessons From The Best Interaction Designs Of 2011
5 Lessons From The Best Interaction Designs Of 2011 Frog’s Robert Fabricant breaks down the themes from the 2011 Interaction Design Awards.