Understanding and Working With Aspect Ratio | Design Shack

Understanding and Working With Aspect Ratio | Design Shack Every image, every canvas, every frame has a shape. And often that shape is a rectangle. Even more common is a rectangle of a particular proportion based on medium. Understanding aspect ratios can save you time and rework as a designer. Consider all of the common…

DPI love ♥ Easily find the DPI/PPI of any screen

DPI love ♥ Easily find the DPI/PPI of any screen In the context of screens, DPI (Dots Per Inch) or PPI (Pixels Per Inch) refer to the number of device pixels per inch, also called “pixel density”. The higher the number, the smaller the size of the pixels, so graphics are perceived as more crisp…


Screensiz.es Screensiz.es helps you quickly find the screen specifications of the most popular devices and monitors currently on the market. The size data comes from Wikipedia, and for a better understanding of Pixel Density. The “popularity” guesstimates are derived from annualized monthly Google queries (from AdWords traffic estimator), and some fuzzy math.

Cari Tahu Ukuran Standar Banner Ads Bisnis Anda | Blog Bisnis & TIK

Cari Tahu Ukuran Standar Banner Ads Bisnis Anda | Blog Bisnis & TIK Anda sedang membuat banner untuk iklankan bisnis anda? Atau anda tengah menghitung ukuran spot banner yang akan disewakan di desain website anda? Nah penikmat Bistik. Ketika membuat banner, atau jika anda ingin menyediakan spot banner di website, maka anda harus mengikuti standar…

How to Adapt Your Site to Different Window Sizes | Web Resources | WebAppers

How to Adapt Your Site to Different Window Sizes | Web Resources | WebAppers Modern browsers like Internet Explorer 10 support the width and height properties of the W3C Working Draft CSS Device Adaptation. This gives Web developers a simple tool to control automatic content scaling across various window dimensions. In particular, it enables sites to easily adapt…