10 Free Online Tools To Create Professional Resumes

10 Free Online Tools To Create Professional Resumes The first thing connecting you with a recruiter is your resume. The way it is usually done is you work on a template you get from a friend or from an online source, then produce a black and white dull rendition of just another face in the crowd…

What Recruiters Look At During The 6 Seconds They Spend On Your Resume Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-what-recruiters-look-at-during-the-6-seconds-they-spend-on-your-resume-2012-4?utm_source=twbutton&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=careers#ixzz1rsl4JPe7

What Recruiters Look At During The 6 Seconds They Spend On Your Resume Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-what-recruiters-look-at-during-the-6-seconds-they-spend-on-your-resume-2012-4?utm_source=twbutton&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=careers#ixzz1rsl4JPe7 In the short time that they spend with your resume, the study showed recruiters will look at your name, current title and company, current position start and end dates, previous title and company, previous position start and end dates, and education….