Web performance is a tricky beast, isn’t it? How do we actually know where we stand in terms of performance, and what our performance bottlenecks exactly are? Is it expensive JavaScript, slow web font delivery, heavy images, or sluggish rendering? Is it worth exploring tree-shaking, scope hoisting, code-splitting, and all the fancy loading patterns with intersection observer,…
Tag: optimization
How Optimized Are Your Images? Meet ImageOptim-CLI, a Batch Compression Tool | Smashing Magazine
How Optimized Are Your Images? Meet ImageOptim-CLI, a Batch Compression Tool | Smashing Magazine Exporting images for the Web from one’s favorite graphics software is something many of us have done hundreds of times. Our eyes fixate on an image’s preview, carefully adjusting the quality and optimization settings until we’ve found that sweet spot, where…
Tips Riset Kata Kunci Dengan Google Keyword Tools | Blog Bisnis & TIK
Tips Riset Kata Kunci Dengan Google Keyword Tools | Blog Bisnis & TIK Sebagus apapun konten yang Anda buat, orang harus tahu bahwa anda pernah membuatnya. Bahkan konten yang paling epik sekalipun tidak akan ada gunanya jika tidak ada seorangpun yang menemukannya, menikmatinya, dan membaginya pada teman-teman dan lingkarannya. Google Keyword Tool dapat membantu konten Anda lebih mudah…
Search Engine Optimization FAQ | Webdesigntuts
Search Engine Optimization FAQ | Webdesigntuts So far we’ve answered several SEO-related questions in this Session. Nevertheless it’s a good idea to bundle some important questions, add some new ones and create an SEO FAQ. Can’t find the answer to your questions? Post a comment and we’ll try to help you. To help you quickly…