How To Create Your Own Front-End Website Testing Plan – Smashing Magazine

How To Create Your Own Front-End Website Testing Plan – Smashing Magazine So, your designers and developers have created a fantastic front-end design, which the client is delighted with, and your job now is to test it. Your heart begins to sink: Think of all the browsers, all the devices and all of these web…

Flat UI: A delightful alternative to Bootstrap’s default look, sans gradients and drop shadows – The Next Web

Flat UI: A delightful alternative to Bootstrap’s default look, sans gradients and drop shadows – The Next Web Bootstrap, the popular front-end framework which hailed from Twitter, continues to grow as a quick way for developers to get an attractive site up and running in little time. It’s a great starting point, but Bootstrap is…

A New Front-End Methodology: BEM

A New Front-End Methodology: BEM his article is the sixth in our new series that introduces the latest, useful and freely available tools and techniques, developed and released by active members of the Web design community. The first article covered PrefixFree; the second introduced Foundation, a responsive framework; the third presented Sisyphus.js, a library for Gmail-like client-side drafts,…