I often find myself looking at WebPageTest (WPT) waterfall charts, but as I seem to have the memory of a chimpanzee (not a goldfish, that’s a myth), I tend to forget some of the details and what they all mean. So I decided to pull together many bits of information into a single blog post I can refer to…
Tag: browser
HEAD – A free guide to elements
HEAD – A free guide to elements
Make the Web Work For Everyone ★ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
Make the Web Work For Everyone ★ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
11 Ways to Speed Up Google Chrome
11 Ways to Speed Up Google Chrome
Creative Loading Effects | Codrops
Creative Loading Effects | Codrops Some ideas and inspiration for loading effects on a website. VIEW DEMO DOWNLOAD SOURCE
favico.js – Make a use of your favicon
favico.js – Make a use of your favicon Make a use of your favicon with badges, images or videos Download source
Browserhacks Browserhacks is an extensive list of browser specific CSS and JavaScript hacks from all over the interwebs. Special thanks to Paul Irish’ comprehensive post and Nicolas Gallagher’s additions.
The Responsive Web Design War Strategy
The Responsive Web Design War Strategy It seems like everyone is hailing Responsive Web Design (RWD) as the savior for the mobile site development in 2013. That’s reasonable too, since RWD is currently the only sounding approach that deals with any device resolution universally and effectively. It tries to unite this chaotic browser-based universe littered by the…
Tips for Designing in the Browser | Webdesigntuts
Tips for Designing in the Browser | Webdesigntuts It’s often thought that designing in the browser is a modern approach to web design. In fact, before the advent of tools such as Photoshop, there was little other choice. Only in the last few years, since the dawn of responsive design, have designers gone back to their roots…
Old Browsers Are Holding Back The Web | Smashing Magazine
Old Browsers Are Holding Back The Web | Smashing Magazine Because of how far certain Web technologies like HTML5 and CSS3 have brought us, many would say that—from a Web platform perspective—the future is now. Sounds like a cliché, I know. At the very least, it feels like the future is starting to bubble up to…